The Yellowstone Trail transcontinental auto route provides a totally unique, appealing, truly authentic historic and scenic travel experience sought by American and foreign travelers.
Taking tourists off the Interstates and into towns and areas off the established interstate route, its’ promotion brings economic benefits to places with much to benefit.
If you, as a Tourism Professional, are fortunate enough to have the Yellowstone Trail pass through your area there are new opportunities waiting for you.
The Yellowstone Trail Association (YTA) is ready to provide ideas and information to support your tourism efforts.
We suggest there is a difference between the promotion of “regular” destination tourism vs. promotion of the trip itself as a destination.
Check the notes below and have at it!
If you know tourism pros along Highway 66 or the Lincoln Highway, talk to them, they know It works!
The major goal of the YTA is to motivate people to Travel The Trail to experience its history and to enjoy the “Great American Road Trip.”
The YTA can help promote economic development for your area.
Contact us for further information.
For many years the Mobridge Tribune (Mobridge, South Dakota) has used the YT as the theme of their successful annual regional guide to the towns along the YT from Minnesota, through South Dakota, North Dakota, and into Montana.
The YTA supported the Wisconsin Driving Guide to the YT in Wisconsin published by a regional publisher and copies have been distributed primarily in Wisconsin.
The YTA is prepared to support similar efforts across the country from Massachusetts to Washington and is anxious to work with tourism agencies for them to create a nationwide program to promote tourism along the Trail.
Plan something different for your city/area along the Trail.
Same goal of economic development but with some different actions.
The Trail is a linear attraction and you are not competing with your neighbors; if the next county is successful in attracting YT tourists, you win because the tourist follows the YT through your county. Highway 66, for instance, is a multi-state promotion.
Businesses and Attractions on or near the Trail, especially those with an historic aspect.
For example,…
That traditional tourist attraction just north of town that seeks tourists for multi day stays is not a prime candidate for participation, so you work with a subgroup of your usual participants. But remember that you are not alone in motivating traffic along the Trail and you will be working with others all along the Trail. Tourist service businesses in your purview will also be winners.
Moreover, the effort and (especially) costs can be spread over a large area. Think at least of the entire route in your state! You just need a leader to create a great tourist promotion.
Email a note to [email protected] and we will help you find partners and give you the support of information about the Trail and its history in your area.
We can send to you a copy of a short video for you and your associates to learn about the YT. Simply ask, and you will receive!